Sunday, November 1, 2015

Thanksgiving Spirit, Day 1

Hey all you cool cats and dogs and turkeys out there. Halloween is now over, which is totally wild. It's NOVEMBER ALREADY! I know there are many in this world, many of my closest friends, who see November 1st as the first day of the Christmas Season. And to them, I say "more power to ya!" Enjoy that special season.

Personally, I hold off. I feel like November is home for a unique and special season called the Thanksgiving Season. It's so closely related to the Christmas Season that it is often times overlooked. People often forget that Thanksgiving has so much to offer us, even it's own music!

That is why, this year, I've decided to help Thanksgiving out a little. I'm going to be posting a Thanksgiving song, once a day, until Thanksgiving. I hope that these songs bring a little Thanksgiving Spirit into your life.

Today's song is a classic:

"I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful For"
Bing Crosby

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